Saturday, 19 December 2015

A Special Christmas Family Surprise for the Babblebrooks

Hello, Well here is a very special story that i've created today and taken photos as well. The Babblebrook Grandparents and baby boy have arrived! Hope you enjoy the story. 

A Special Christmas Family Surprise for the Babblebrooks

Christmas was fast approaching in Little Eleville. The snow had arrived and the children were all enjoying throwing snowballs and making snowbunnies! In the distance a few new family members were walking near as a surprise to a special family. 

When the Snow-Warren and Beafort children had gone home to warm up and tell their parents about the fun they had. Rocky called his children that it was time to go inside. "Breezy, Bubba and Coral, come on in and lets warm our selfs with a nice cuppa tea" 
"Oh do we have to dad?"
"Why yes you do."

Suddenly Crystal called from the doorway. "Hang on Rocky, turn yourself around. I can see.... My Parents in the distance with a baby!!"
"Oh my, i can see them too!!" 
"Who can you see mum and dad??" Breezy and Bubba asked
"Well if you stop playing with your snowbunny, you will see your Grandparents!"

In minutes the family had all lined up to see these special family members walking along in the snow. Crystal hadnt seen her parents ever since she moved into Little Eleville over 20 years ago, so you can imagine the joy she was feeling. 
"Is that really you mum Pearl and dad Cliff? And who have you got there with you?"
"Why yes it is us, our dear Crystal. And this little fella is called sandy he has come with us, he needs a new family."

Crystal ran up to hug her mum and grampa Cliff went over to hug the children, Rocky and Coral said hello to baby Sandy. 
"Oh mum, you have really made my day and this years Christmas can be extra special, i hope you wont be going away again." 
"Oh my sweet, trust me we will never be leaving, we have just moved to Little Eleville for ever."
The end
A very special family reunion and it was about time to, hope you all enjoyed my little story :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww!, this Christmas are going to be extra special for the Bablebrooks!!
    It´s lovely to see the whole family reunited after such a long time of being apart.
