Wednesday, 19 August 2015

The Annual Ballroom Dance Competition part 2!

Hi everyone, so here is the continuation of The Annual Ballroom Dance Competition! I hope you enjoy the last part of the story :)

The Annual Ballroom Dance Competition Part 2

Chapter 5 – The Morning of the Ballroom Competition

The morning of the Ballroom Competition had arrived; everyone was excited in the village and looking forward to dancing with their friends. As Alexandra Bamboo had promised Bill the week before, she had bought along all the lovely cakes and biscuits from the cake shop which she had baked the day before. Ginger wildwood had already set the big dining room table ready for the drinks and had made space for Alexandra’s cakes and biscuits to be put on it. 


They had a quick chat about the evening and Alexandra said “I love what you and the guys have done with the decorations and the layout of the Hotel. I can’t wait to come along this evening, it should be good fun. See you later” 
“Oh why thank you Alexandra, I shall say this to Herb later on. See you later, goodbye”

Chapter 6 – Getting ready for the Ballroom Competition! 

The day of the competition had arrived and all the villagers were busy getting themselves ready. In Cosy Cottage where the Babblebrook’s live… there was a lot going on.
Rocky was in the kitchen talking to his son Bubba. “Are you getting excited about the Ballroom dance competition?” “Yes dad, I certainly am!”

Meanwhile upstairs, Crystal was busying herself in the bathroom while her daughters Breezy and Coral where looking in the mirror on the dressing table, making sure they looked presentable. 

Before too long they were leaving their cottage and getting into their car for the journey to the Grand Hotel! 

Chapter 7 – Everyone arriving and the start of the dancing!

The evening had finally arrived and everyone was making their way to the Grand Hotel. The Perriwinkle family, Rusty and Hollie Wildwood were waving at everyone from the balcony, while Herb and Alex invited everyone inside. Everyone was excited about dancing and some of the children were just as excited about playing their music to everyone. First to arrive was Mayor Bill Waddlington and his family; then Professor Bearberry and his family came along, the Bamboos, The Babblebrook’s, The Walters, The Mc Burrows and Finally Tilly and Theodora Dappledawn.

Chapter 8 – The Dancing!
Before long Hollie and Rebecca were looking after some of the babies in the nursery and on the ground floor some of the children were getting ready to dance as well as some of the adults… Mrs Bearberry looked after the other babies too. This gave all the adults time to enjoy dancing the evening away! 

With everyone on the dance floor, Professor Bearberry had Oliver Perriwinkle on the triangle, Rusty Wildwood on the Recorder, Angela Bearberry on the accordion, Misty Waters on the drum and Rodger Waters on the Xyaphone. Professor Bearberry started playing the piano and the children started playing their sweet music. Everyone else was dancing and enjoying themselves straight away  

At the second change in the music, some of the adults sat down, but most stayed and danced. The children down stairs had formed a big group and dancing together. While the dancing was going on, Mayor Bill Waddlington and his wife Fie were waddling around and watching everyone and while they did this, they were deciding on who were the best. 

Chapter 9 – Choosing the Winners!

Three hours later, everyone was still enjoying dancing and having fun. Mayor Bill and his wife fie decided it was time to choose the winning couple… they asked everyone to stand on the ballroom floor and asked professor bearberry if they could have a drumroll…… “Go ahead Misty, Drumroll Please!”

“After much consideration and discussing with my wife, we have decided… That Digger and Heidi Mc Burrows have won the Annual Ballroom Dance Competition, Please come up and Collect the Prise.”
Everyone else started Clapping and saying well done and congratulations. Even their children Muddy and Molly where shouting “well done mum and dad!!!” Professor Bearberry started playing “Celebrations” on the piano and everyone started singing along.

After the prise giving, everyone decided it was time to go home and rest sore feet and put tired babies to bed. Everyone said that it had been the best Annual Ballroom Dance Competition Ever! 

The End :)