Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Logan has arrived... sorry for the delay in posting!!

Hi everyone,
Look who has arrived, i'm so glad that Logan has arrived at last. He, Summer and Poppy have made the family complete at last! They do look happy together! :)

I am hoping to create a story with the Evergreens and the Timbertops soon, once i've got my writing cap back on. I really hope to get some more stories up soon, but due to some things going on, i haven't even had the motivation to get some of the items i bought back in december out of the their boxes! I still cant quite believe that there are still boxes to un pack! So something is happening but there we go! I will get a pic up once i have Finally opened the boxes and set the three old cottages up,  maybe i havent done it yet because i dont have the 3 kitchens to complete them? Oh i dunno!
Hope you are all alright