Hi everyone, I really hope you like reading this one all about Nelly's Trunks trip to London Zoo! I must admit i had a lot of fun writing this one! Can you Imagine what the teachers at St Francies school are all going to say about Nelly's Essay? :)
I must say A massive Thank You to Sylvanako For kindly helping me Photoshop my photos - This little project was started in august but as my friend disappeared and he was the only one who knew how to use photoshop - i was stuck and had to ask for some help - so Thank You Thank You Sylvanako for making this story come Alive!!! :) Now on with the story!!
trip to London zoo... By Nelly Trunks of class 2
One day, I
was very lucky and I was invited on a trip to London zoo! As you can see; I am
an Elephant and I love seeing wild animals. In class we have been learning
about different animals of the world and this trip gave me the opportunity to
see real animals and spend some time with my owner!
I started the
day by having a good breakfast, which my mother kindly made for me and a packed
lunch ready for my trip. I got ready and waited for my owner to collect me and
off we went.
First of all
we had to jump on a train, Not just one but 3! It was a long journey. And as it
was nearly lunchtime we got to eat something before going in, I was very good
and ate my lunch in my owner’s bag and saving some for going home. As a good
Sylvanian should! Before long we were off again. A long walk to find the zoo
entrance! It took us a good 20 minutes before we got there, going past shops,
lots of people going about their day, windy roads and major crossings. We had
to make sure we looked out for the cars, vans, buses and coaches going
The entrance
came insight and we were soon inside, I’m glad we were given a map, otherwise
we would have gotten lost as the zoo is very big! I couldn’t believe my eyes
when I saw the map, as a small Sylvanian it made me feel even smaller but just
as excited as many children my age would be going for a trip out to a zoo!

Our first
stop was the birds of prey, Wow they were big and a little scary if you ask me,
I could have been swallowed up in 1 gulp. Thank goodness for the bars! I took a
mental note to stay VERY close to my owner so I couldn’t get lost or
swallowed up! One of these birds was very old and he had been very naughty when
he first arrived in the 1970s, he escaped 2 times!!! That reminds me of my
cheeky baby brother and sister who are twins! Anyway where was I, oh yes next
we went past some monkeys who were being given fruit... Mm yum. We saw quite a
few different monkeys at the start and looked like they were having fun; they
do look funny with their bits hanging out... It made me giggle!
Next we went
to the area of Tigers. The first animal we came across was a bearded boar,
which was enjoying rolling a bright pink ball around, my owner said it is a
treat ball and it’s trying to get the treats out by rolling it! I wonder what Mr
Eustis Truffle would have thought seeing him or her? He’s one of them and has
tusks too!! We then saw a Very sleepy tiger that was perched high up on a rock
in its enclosure. I think it must be fun being able to chill out like that all
day (we went past going home and it was still there!) I wonder if they have
treat balls too? I know the Macavity cats at home like to play with balls of wool!
As we wondered round the tiger area we saw lots of tiger facts... Like how long
they sleep and how high they can jump! We also saw some camels that just
happened to be munching on a big bale of hay... Which mustn’t be very tasty?
Within the Tiger
area, we discovered an old building... It housed a whole mix of animals from Tapirs
to ferrets to an Armadillo! The armadillo wanted to say hello, and was playing peekaboo
with us! There was also some sort of small fox to but I have forgotten its name
but they sat still for a photo with me! We also discovered that this was where
they used to house elephants back in the early days but they don’t have them
anymore... I was really excited this morning about seeing my Elephant cousins
and now very disappointed!!
Next stop was
Penguin Island! We saw about 20 of them swimming about or sunbathing! Two of
the swimming ones had taken interest in a teenager’s bag... Each time she moved
it, they followed! It was very funny thing to see! They must have thought she
had food in there! We also saw two baby chicks who were being incubated in
there mini hospital! They are all round, fluffy and quite noisy - even through
the glass!!
Off we went
again... Next we saw some rather noisy swarking parrots in there special
enclosures. There must have been 6 green ones and 4 red ones. I loved seeing
the different colours of their feathers and how they interacted with each other!
But that noise, oh my, gave my big elephant ears an ache! Next was a Polly tunnel
type thing which housed hundreds of butterflies and moths! It was amazing but a
tad scary with them flying all around us! One big one even landed on a buggy! This
gave the youngster jump! I think it stayed on their until we left!! We then
wondered past a lake that had flamingos and pelicans on, but they weren't very
interesting so we wondered on.
As we
wondered through, we came across a building which housed millions of insects.
They were thankfully in their particular exhibits and remained inside but
euwwww, I don’t like spiders, cockroaches or slimy things!!! Yuck yuck yuck...
It was the worst and scariest part of the trip... But while we were there, they
had a small aquarium which wasn’t scary at all, and look I even got a photo
with a colourful fish!!
Our favourite
part of the zoo was next! It was called in with the Monkeys! Black capped
squirrel monkeys. They were adorable and very quick! There was a mother and her
baby. Oh so cute and tiny, clinging on for dear life. There were no bars or
glass and the monkeys were very near us! They had a small climbing thing for
children and one of the monkeys jumped on the balance beam!! So we got some
super pictures! Next stop was in with the birds... A right mixture of different
kinds, just going about their business while we wondered through, thankfully
none of them did a poo on me!
Soon we
wondered into an area especially for children. We saw mongooses, mini dog and
my fave Meerkats!! Oh my, I got some fab pics with them in the background! They
are small and inquisitive and stay in their family group for safety. They were
so cute too!
Next stop we
visited the giraffes, zebras and pigmy hippos. They were all cute and I knew
they were from Africa, which is where we elephants are from. It made me wonder
if they missed home but they seemed to be happy. I suppose you could say, 'I
felt like I was at home'. If I was wild I would be running around with my
family alongside giraffes and zebras! Can you see the PhotoBombing Giraffe?
We left the Africa
area and a little walk down we found an attraction called "In with the
Lemurs". They were in a big enclosure that we could walk through, they
were all around - some sleeping and others chilling out together. So cute they
are to with their black and white fluff.
The next
section was about the rainforest and some was in the pitch black. For all the
animals of the rainforest, like the hairless mouse and Eye-ye. We saw some
other monkeys and birds before we left. When we got outside it was rather
pleasant as it was rather stuffy in the rainforest area.
Before we
went home we found another place that housed Meerkats and a reindeer to. We got
some more nice photos and then headed home.
It was
amazing day out and I cannot wait to tell all my friends about my special trip
to London Zoo!